Unfortunately right now our servers are overloaded and we have no more download slots left for non-members. Of course you can also try again later.
DL完了後、free userが次のDLが可能になるまでの待機時間は15min位。
You have reached the download limit for free-users. Would you like more?
Get your own premium account now! Instant download access! Or try again in about XX minutes.
ボタンが表示されるまでの暇つぶしで他をブラウジングしているうちに、クリックを忘れていると、DLボタンが無効となり、リロードしても待機モードになってしまう。ChromeのエクステンションRapidShare DownloadHelperはカウントダウン後自動的にDLを開始してくれるので、この無駄が回避でき非常に重宝。
- Currently a lot of users are downloading files. Please try again in 2 minutes or become a Premium member (今激混み中。2分後にリトライするか、金払え)
- Please note, the server is not going to check again within the next 2 minutes if downloading is possible again. To provide a fair platform, all user get the same options. Your last attempt was 64 seconds ago.
- This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.
- This limit is reached.
- To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.
- This file is copyrighted and may not be distributed without permission of the copyright holder. We will direct you to RapidMovies, where you can buy upcoming games and movies legally online. (意訳)このファイルは著作権保護物で、著作権者の許可なく配信されているようです。新作ゲームや映画を合法的にネットで買える「RapidMovies」に接続します。
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